Curious How Much Going Solar Panels Will Save & Cost?

To get a quote specific to your property so you avoid the hassle and wasting time searching the internet. Answer our short survey to get a quote sent to you within 24 hours which includes a breakdown of the equipment costs and your expected energy bill savings...

How much do you roughly spend on electricity per month?
How many people live in your property?
Which way do your roof(s) face? (If unsure leave blank & we'll check on Google maps)
How many panels do you think will fit on your roof(s) (they are approx. 2m x 1m or 6ft x 3ft - the size of an internal door - again if unsure leave blank)
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8 reasons to install Solar power

Costs less than you think

Solar panel systems start at  £5,995 & we have a choice of finance options available including no upfront payments.     

A greener tomorrow

Generating your own solar power reduces your carbon footprint and the amount of fossil fuels used to power your home. 

Greater independence

Generating your own energy gives you more independence & greater reassurance that you'll have energy even if the grid has outages.  

Store excess energy

Our batteries allow you to store up excess energy generated in the day to use at night, helping you to save.

Save and earn money

Not only will you save money on your bills you can also get paid for any exported electricity meaning nothing you produce is wasted.

Reduce air pollution

Solar panels produce zero amounts of Co2 meaning less pollution of our planet that will benefit future generations.

No maintenance

Solar panel have no moving parts which means there is very little maintenance involved in the upkeep other than keeping them clean.

Increase property value

All houses will be expected to have greener energy in the future. Installing solar future proofs your home &  increases it's value & desirability to a buyer.


Savings and Value

Are solar systems expensive?

The term “expensive” is relative which makes this difficult to answer. Solar energy systems are an investment for your future and will save you thousands throughout the life of the system. We keep our prices as affordable as possible by cutting out middlemen and working directly with our customers.


How much money can I save by going solar?

The exact amount varies for each home based on location, size and energy requirements. Most homeowners save hundreds of pounds each year.


How does solar power impact my property value?

Studies have shown that homes with solar energy systems sell for more than homes without. In many parts of the country, going solar will actually increase your property value more than a kitchen renovation.

Solar Products

What comes with my solar energy system?

The main components of your solar energy system are solar panels, inverters, solar flashing, racking and mounting equipment, as well as production monitoring software.

What size solar energy system should I get?

The size of your solar energy system will depend on how much electricity you use on a monthly basis, as well as environmental conditions. Our team will evaluate your property and needs and design a custom solar solution for your property.

What kind of maintenance costs can I expect?

Solar panel systems are made of durable tempered glass and require little to no maintenance for 25 to 35 years. In most cases, you don’t even need to clean the panels regularly. A warranty is also likely to cover any issues that may arise.

How long will my solar power system last?

In general, solar panels are very durable and capable of withstanding inclement weather conditions. Various components of the system will need to be replaced at different times, but your system should continue to generate electricity for 25 to 35 years.

How Solar Works

How do my panels generate electricity?

Solar panels absorb sunlight and convert the light energy into usable electricity for your home.

What if it's not sunny outside?

Solar panels can still generate electricity even when the sun is not at its brightest.

Will I have electricity if the power goes out in my area?

For the safety of the maintenance workers resolving any electrical issues during a power outage, your electricity would also be powered down. You would still be connected to your neighborhood’s grid to ensure you have a consistent flow of energy during normal hours, which is why you cannot keep using electricity when your power goes out.

What are the environmental benefits of solar energy?

Solar power, like other renewable energy resources, has many environmental and health benefits. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to climate change and also results in fewer air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter which can cause health problems.