Keep More Heat Inside Your Home & Lower Energy Bills?
Triple Glazing offers superior thermal performance, or U-value, this is little like the TOG rating of a quilt, for example single glazed windows have a U-value of around 5 whereas double glazing is around 3, with Triple Glazing this is as low as 1.
What does this mean for you? more heat stays in your home and your energy bills decrease, simples.
Noise Reduction
High winds and some traffic can be heard through regular double glazing, however with Triple Glazing this is not the case, in short if double glazing can keep some sound out Triple Glazing keeps out A LOT!
What does this mean for you? noise from your home stays in your home and noise from outside, you guessed it stays outside.
You might think Triple Glazing is a lot more expensive than double Glazing but that simply isnt the case, in fact at Roofriendly we are currently offering a FREE upgrade from double glazing to Triple Glazing (Code:: TRIPLEUPGRADE).
Don’t forget it costs nothing to find out how much you could be saving